There are 89 colleges within 200 miles of Baird enrolling a total of 803,494 students. These are the closest colleges.
Located in Texas with a population of 1,496, the closest colleges are ranked below by distance from Baird. The nearest college is Abilene Christian University in Abilene at a distance of 19 miles from Baird. Driving time to these schools from Baird should be less than 4 hours. The top rated college in the area is Southern Methodist University in Dallas which is ranked #67 in the nation by CollegeSimply. The largest college in the area is Dallas College enrolling 64,156 students. In terms of affordability, Navarro College in Corsicana offers the lowest tuition for colleges in the area at $1,620 per year.
This directory is inclusive of nearby two and four year schools, both public and private. If you are looking for more affordable higher education options or not ready for a full four-year program, consider local community colleges near Baird.
Abilene Christian University (ACU), located in Abilene, Texas, is a private Christian university founded in 1906. Situated approximately 150 miles west of Fort Worth, the campus encompasses a modern setting with facilities reflecting a blend of contemporary and traditional architecture, including notable structures like the Onstead Science Center. With a broad array of undergraduate and graduate programs, ACU places a particular emphasis on areas of study such as business, education, and theology. The application process at ACU is moderately selective. The university's commitment to academic excellence is facilitated by a faculty-student ratio that supports personalized learning experiences. Residential life is an integral part of the ACU experience, with student housing options available on campus. ACU is also known for its Wildcats athletic teams, competing in the NCAA Division I as part of the Western Athletic Conference, with a history of particular engagement in track and field and baseball.
In the most recent statistical year 11,226 prospective students applied, and 7,386 were granted admission.  Of those admitted 893 enrolled in the school.  3,458 students are enrolled on a full time basis, and 1,621 attend part time. In-state tuition for 2022/2023, excluding room and board, is $40,300 plus fees of $200. Abilene Christian University is ranked 416 nationally in the 2024 U.S. Colleges Ranking.
There are 31 community or junior colleges within 200 miles of Baird enrolling a total of 351,302 students. These are the closest colleges.
Located in Texas with a population of 1,496, the closest community colleges are ranked below by distance from Baird. The nearest community college is Cisco College in Cisco at a distance of 23.9 miles from Baird. Driving time to these schools from Baird should be less than 4 hours. The largest college in the area is Dallas College enrolling 64,156 students. In terms of affordability, Navarro College in Corsicana offers the lowest tuition for community colleges in the area at $1,620 per year.
This list below ranks the local community colleges by proximity. Community colleges traditionally have open admission policies and are easy to get into.